접두어 a-




iblug 동영상 강의 링크입니다.


1. 단어강의

2. 예문강의



접두어 a-    


의미 :    ~ 위에, ~ 안에, ~


 1. ashore



shore                해변, 바닷가


a-    + shore      해변 위에


ashore              해변에, 해변으로


ex) She has been ashore for a couple of hours, waiting for him.






2. abed




bed                     침대


a-    +    bed        침대 위에


abed                   침대 위에, 잠자리에, 누운 채로


ex) I like to stay abed late on rainy Sundays.




3. aboard


board              배


a-    + board    배 위에


aboard            배 위에



ex) The Titanic hit an iceberg in the middle of the night, causing the deaths of more than 1500 people aboard.


4. afire

fire                  불


a-    +    fire     불 위에, 불 속에


afire                불타

ex) During the political change, so-called the Arab Spring, a lot of buildings could be seen afire.





5. afoot

foot                  발


a-    +    foot     발 위에


afoot                걸어서, 일어나서



ex) The wounded soldier came afoot out of the battle field.





6. ground



ground                  땅, 땅바닥, 지면


a-    + gournd        땅 위에


aground                땅 위에, 배가 좌초하



ex) The ship ran aground, so the people aboard were helpless on the water.






7. asleep



sleep                 잠


a-    +    sleep    잠 속에 있는


asleep               잠들어 있는



ex) After the long hard work, the two of us were half asleep all day long.




8. atop



top              (어떤 것의) 가장 윗부분


a-    + top    가장 위에 있는


atop            꼭대기에



ex) Seeing her standing atop the podium gave me an inexpressible joy.






9. afield



field                     들판


a-    +    field        들판 위에


afield                   들판에, 싸움터에


ex) Through the web, you can communicate with anyone far afield.










1. ashore                해변에


2. abed                   침대 위에


3. aboard                배 위에


4. afire                    불타


5. afoot                  걸어서


6. aground              땅 위에


7. asleep                잠든


8. atop                   꼭대기에


9. afield                  들판에

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